Saturday, May 28, 2011

Maths Evening.

Wednesday night's maths evening attracted a lot of parents eager to learn how we do maths in the 21st century.
We had a guest speaker, Charlotte, from Team Solutions show us examples, share a Powerpoint presentation and some movie clips of children explaining their mathematical thinking.
The teachers then shared what goes on in the classrooms at trestle tables with equipment and modelling books.
Positive verbal feedback and emails have been received confirming that the evening was the success we hoped it would be.

School Disco

Last Friday we had the most amazing school disco in the hall.
I am sorry to say that I was soooo busy enjoying myself on the stalls that i forgot to get any photos!!!
I sold laser rings, headbands, glowy things galore and jazzy glasses.
If anyone has any photos for me to add here ... please email them to me on:
Thanks, Louise Johnson.