Friday, June 22, 2012

Senior School Students get Inventing:

The whole school and school community were rostered to visit all the senior classes today to see what has been invented.
They called it their 'Inventors Roadshow' having recently enjoyed the 'science roadshow' held at BBI. Certificates were given out and patents were attached to displays.
They followed the Technology and Design Inquiry Model.
It was great to hear students explain their designs and models and see that fabulous sense of achievement that comes with knowing a job has been well done. 

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Book Character Parade:

We changed the layout and format this year and feedback seems to be positive. It was lively and  upbeat and the cat walk was fun. It was a lovely way to end our book fortnight. It is also a good chance to publicly thank all those generous people who donated books for the library and Miss Fawcett who works so hard to co-ordinate it.

The Basketball Team are on a Roll:

I grabbed these shots as I left school last week.
It was getting late... It was getting cold... But they didn't even notice!
They were all about putting our school values into practice!!
It paid off I hear, because I heard some proud teachers talking about their game results a couple of days later. Well done team.

Tina Visits Us:

Tina from Highland Park Library visited us to kickstart our Book Fortnight.
As she does each year, she easily grabbed the students' attention with up-to-date information about what is going on at our local libraries, taught us about all the new online books and resources and shared her favourite stories with us.
Thanks, Tina you always do a good job and give us plenty to talk about and to write about when we get back to class.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

The Famous Annual PTA Quiz Night:

A huge thanks must go out to the fantastic people who put this together each year. Themes were thought of and tables and contestants were decorated. The quiz itself was very professional including lots of video clips and soundtracks.

I don't remember who the winners were, but I don't suppose that matters too much! Well, i guess it does to them! It's just that the groups' names were so interesting!   e.g., The Seven Deadly Sins [who had Hells Pizza deliver directly to their table!!], Itchy and Scratchy, Class of 2012,  Deadly/Murderous Intent [who shot everyone with toys guns that fired suction bullets all night!], Race Day, Moulin Rouge [AKA the noisy bunch!!], Venice, The British PunkRockers [One dad even shaved his head into a mohawk!!]
Roll on next year...

Storylines 'Totally Amazing' Show:

As a part of our annual 'Book Fortnight' we enjoyed a concert put on by the Storylines duo.
I don't think I'm alone in saying that this year's concert was one of Storylines' better ones.
As they do each year, they acted out about four award winning stories and melded a couple together.
It included lots of laughs and audience participation.
You can see below how simple something can be yet if orchestrated well can be excellent.
The first photo is of Room 7's 'Banker' and 'Accountant' who collected the money for attendance. These are highly sought after monitor jobs!