Monday, November 25, 2013

Hard work pays off:

The Junior Performing Arts Celebration was so popular, we had to throw in an extra matinee and it was just as successful as the evening concerts.
We were rewarded with happy, tired children with increased confidence, and proud audience members..... however....
perhaps the most thrilling reward for the participants was an ice-block each after tabloids; bought with the proceeds of the extra matinee concert!

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Junior Team Performing Arts Celebration:

Get your tickets now as this delightful concert is on this week.
Tuesday 19th and Thursday 21st November in the hall.
Only $2 now from the school office.
Starting at 6.00pm and lasting about 75 minutes.
It is well worth making sure your camera is fully charged - think 'cute factor'
Please deliver your child to their classroom at 5.30pm and then go and get a seat.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

A busy day:

We had a visit from a travelling Art Roadshow Truck, showcasing New Zealand artists, and Wheels Day, looking at road safety, all on the same day. It was great as you can see below:

Friday, November 1, 2013

A Cartoonist Pays a Visit:

Room 7 were lucky to have Phoenix's dad come and show us how he draws cartoons for a living.  We learned how he gets his ideas and how he often has to lightly sketch in an outline before he commits to a final copy. Some of us had a turn trying our own also. Thanks Mr Grey. LJ